Monday, February 24, 2014

40k League

This coming Sunday, March 2nd will jumpstart our Tuscaloosa 40k slow-grow League.  The emphasis of the 40k League will be on narrative and hobby progress: everyone in the League is encouraged to post on the blog about painting progress, battle reports, and perhaps even narrative events, if we can swing together a narrative from our games. The 'goal' of the League is to encourage everyone to build personalized, painted 2000 pts lists.  To accomplish this, we'll have monthly 40k days on the first Saturday of every month starting on April 5th with 500 pt lists.  Each month thereafter we'll increase the points total of armies by 250. If this pace is too slow for everyone we can speed things up.

This Sunday, though, is the appetizer: Kill Team, 200 pts, following the newest GW rules (which you can find from Black Library).  The gist is this: 200 pts from one codex, including up to 0-2 troops, 0-1 elites, and 0-1 fast attack choices.  Lists must include at least 4 non-vehicle models, can't include any models with 2+ saves, and can't include vehicles with total AV greater than 33.  A few of your models get to select special rules, and there's a warlord chart for your squad leader.

For Kill Team and for the rest of the League, everything in 40k is considered fair play: codexes, supplements, Escalation, Stronghold Assault, data slates, etc. We're going with a few small rules tweaks to try to balance the playing field.  These are subject to change based on how things progress:

  1. Any rerollable save of 2+ only succeeds at the reroll on a 4+.  
  2. Ignores Cover applies a -2 modifier to cover saves.  This applies to template weapons.
  3. Hit and Run no longer confers to the entire unit: every model in a unit must have Hit and Run in order for the unit to be able to Hit and Run.
  4. Destroyer (D) Weapons are all str 10 ap 1 with Ignores Cover.  This replaces all normal D weapon rules. (In general, it's more sporting to only play Super Heavies when your opponent also has Super Heavies in their army).
I hope that these rules tweaks encourage fair play in a League where everyone will be building their lists from the ground up. As always, comments are encouraged.

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