Friday, July 11, 2014

Trader's Remorse

I have really missed my Orkz a whole lot. I traded them awhile ago for Eldar because I wanted to try something new. I should have never done so. The Orkz were probably the funniest army I have ever played. I loved the randomness in the army. For instance, my Shokk attik gun once blew itself and the lootas it was with. The next game, he took out phalanxes of Necrons. 

Don't get me wrong. I still like my Chaos stuff, but they are not orkz. 

So I picked up the new codex (still have some mixed feelings about) and set out a game plan for collecting. 

Right now all I really have is da warlord, da Kernel Kurtz. Inspiration for this army came from watching Apocalypse Now. The warband that Kurtz has is intriguing to me. Translating into Ork Kulture, my Waaagh! will have Blood Axes and Snakebites. 

Here is da Kernel so far:

Here is Da Dead Shiny Shoota

And finally a size comparison

He has Finkin' kap on as well. I have some interesting background for the Aporkalypse Now themed army, which will be posted soon. 

The body is from an Ogre. That is Commissar Yarrick's hat, da dead shiny shoota is made with necron bits, and everything else is from the Nobz box set. 

I plan on doing some painting very soon, and the other warboss in the tribe will be converted from a fantasy savage warboss

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