Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Back in Blue

The last six months of my life have been...interesting to say the least. I've finished and defended my dissertation, applied to over eighty jobs, and generally twisted myself into and out of intriguing shapes and situations. I am exhausted! And the process is ongoing: I have a Skype interview at 10:00am tomorrow morning, and I'm still waiting to hear back from two others.

I haven't had much time for 40k in all that time. The Redstone Rumble back in October was a blast, and it marks my last real hobby progress with my Eldar. I bought a second Wraithknight kit and used the extra bits to finish off a troglodon conversion I'd been musing over for a year. An Exodite Wraithknight, or 'Dinoknight.' I got the two models to a decent three-color standard by the Rumble and went 4-1 in the tournament, losing to Jeff O in the last round. Not too shabby. And then, job applications, dissertation writing, and 40k burnout.

Fast forward to this past weekend. I missed out on the 2015 CAGE match thanks in large part to shenanigans in professional life, so when my friend Josh from Georgia told me about a small 40k tournament in Macon at the MGA Convention, I jumped at the chance to see my college friends and throw some dice. The missions were going to be 1850 pt BAO standard fare, and as I had never played in that format before, and had no idea what competition to expect, I set my sights mostly on painting. I finished the Dinoknight.

I'm pretty pleased with the way this guy turned out. The base kit is the GW Carnosaur with two suncannons attached to the sides (counts-as heavy wraith cannons), an Eldar rider courtesy of the DE Venom sprue and some spare Kabalite Warrior bits, the spirit syphon from a Cronos, and a brass banner from Steel Fist Miniatures. Also, SO MANY GEMS!

These three fellows performed quite well, all said and done. Backed up by triple Wave Serpents and fifteen lesser Iyanden wraiths, I went 5-0 in the tournament and snagged Best Painted! The swag:

I'll try to find the time later in the week to write up some battle reports. I faced some high quality opponents from Valdosta (Team Bird Dog) and put Iyanden through its paces, facing Eldar, Imperials, and Demons over the two days. Now if I can only find the motivation to finish my Tenshi-Tachi Marines and have a reason to field that Knight!

~Doctor Sprocket

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