Sunday, May 11, 2014

A Negative Post About Negativity

I haven't been particularly active playing any games recently. I think my last miniatures game was played over a month ago at this point. The why of this is unimportant for this post, but suffice to say that real life has gotten in the way as of late. This doesn't mean I don't keep up with the goings on of everything. And the current big thing is that 40k will be receiving a new edition. 


But still this post isn't so much directed at the new edition of the game. It is the immediate response I am seeing from many people. Maybe they are trolling, or maybe they are just generally unlikable people (I have my suspicions about various ones), but many people have already come out with the doom and gloom, and the woe is me, and of course the sky is falling. Look, I get it, GW hasn't provided us with a lot of reasons to have hope. But I think it has gone way too far towards condemning things that haven't even been seen yet.

Are there some valid criticisms? Yes. And criticism is a good thing when used properly. Most of what these people are spouting is not criticism but vitriol and hate. It is only worse when it comes from those that you know are actively seeking the destruction of a community and that don't participate in it through games or useful discussion. What is being sought by these people is a shock response or an abeyance of our happiness. So I write this seeking those who read those comments, and to remind them that others out there do enjoy this hobby. Not all are terrible people seeking to ruin the fun of others in our quest to be the biggest dick in the universe. And if possible, try to block them and their useless comments from skewing your views.


  1. Actually, I'm rather hopeful about the new edition. Seems like they're toying with shaking things up a little. That aside, I'm largely withholding judgment until I see exactly what's in the book.

  2. And hopes rather thoroughly dashed. Both my armies are invalidated if the leaked Allies pages are accurate.
