Tuesday, April 29, 2014

Hobby Excitement: ebbs and flows

I've been out of commission for the past six weeks: first a job interview in Kentucky which didn't pan out, then three academic conferences, one in Tuscaloosa, one in St. Louis, and one in Paris.  In all that time, I haven't picked up a paintbrush or assembled a single model. I did get a few games of Warmahordes in with my Everblight, testing out Rhyas with reach (she's still bad, folks) and Fyanna the Lash (I'm impressed thus far). The state of 40k has me pretty unenthused about my Eldar, as short of adding in a broken Seer Council or Beastpack my army is at the top of its form. My Tenshi-Tachi SM are still waiting for more paint: bikes take so much work! And my Dwarves are, well, dwarves.

There are, however, a few things I'm growing excited about:

40k Escalation is at 750 points for this Saturday, May 3rd. I'll be around the shop on Sunday as well.

Nashcon is Memorial Day weekend, May 23-25th.  Scarecrow, Josh, and I will be going. $35 bucks gets you access to three days of 40k, Fantasy, and Warmahordes. If anyone else is interested in joining us, let me know.

WOOD ELVES. Rumors suggest new stag rider models, and it sounds like I can have the all-cavalry wood elves army I've wanted for the past 2-3 years. Good times. I'll most likely be selling my Dwarves to fund the pointy-eared ones.

This is what life in the hobby is like for me. At times I tire of the routines, and at times my imagination is set ablaze by a new army concept, a new model, or an upcoming event. More to come as I get settled into the summer.


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