Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Saturday 40k, 500 pts

This Saturday, April 5th, will be our second 40k league games day at Crimson Castle. 500 pts, normal FOC, book missions. I won't be there (I have a job interview in Kentucky), but Stephen and Bentley will be around to run things.

That said, I want to share a bit of hobby progress.

I went back and forth on which models to use for my HQs, and I finally just decided (for the sake of creativity and cost) to kit bash my own. The bike on the far left will be my DA librarian. I used a Warp Talon head to act as an oni/samurai helmet: Tenshi-Tachi psykers learned some unorthodox methods from their Crusade to the Eye of Terror. The bike in the middle will be Khan (name TBA). The Tenshi-Tachi continues to be supported by the Watchers of the Cabal who have been arming the chapter with xenos technology and tactics. You can see the Dark Eldar bits on Khan. Eldar pirates share the Tenshi-Tachi's hatred of chaos and their preference for hit and run tactics, and the two forces have operated in concert upon occasion, usually on a mission orchestrated by the Cabal. And finally, you can see my scout sniper squad: head swaps, bushido banners, and daisho make a nice change.

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