Sunday, April 27, 2014

Gentlemen, I give you more Khorne

Finally got to test out my daemons of chaos on the battlefields of fantasy Saturday. Instead of talking about all my mistakes that I will inevitably learn from, I just want to say my ultimate goal for this army. Right now, I am obsessed with the minions of the Blood God. I have two grand conversion ideas for a bloodthirster and a daemon prince of khorne. Also realized I need a skull cannon. Blood crushers wouldn't be bad either. Maybe more bloodletters too. 

I was a bit disappointed in my Plaguebearers, but that may have to do with my own mistakes as a general. I want to drop the herald of Nurgle for a herald of Tzeentch and stick him in the middle of a big squad of pink horrors. Also did not think I would like any servants of Slaanesh, I want to add more seekers after they were able to hold back a steam tank for several turns. 

I am looking forward to the next game 

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